Greetings from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation : NEWS of marine Forum : Marine Industry of Russia
V International forum
“Marine Industry of Russia”
Moscow, “Gostiny Dvor”
Exhibition Hall,
19-21 May 2015


The Forum has opened!

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The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation FGU «Rostransmodernizatsiya»

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Greetings from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

May 07, 2015

On behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, I welcome all the guests and participants of the V International Forum “Marine Industry of Russia 2015”

The priority of the Russian shipbuilding industry is import substitution production of high-tech, high technology ships and marine equipment.

Development of conceptual projects of ships and marine equipment for the development of oil and gas fields in the Russian trains, new designs of fishing vessels, the reaction of the authorities and the business sector – all this pays great attention to the state.

The process of updating the capacity of shipbuilding enterprises in Russia is one of the priorities of the development of the shipbuilding industry.

One such tool, contributing to the development of the shipbuilding industry – is the International Forum “Marine Industry of Russia”

The fifth anniversary Forum once united on the platform the best in the industry, all of the professional community in order to sum up, to draw correct conclusions, to determine the future direction of maritime policy in Russia.

The program of the Forum reflects what is happening in the industry, all the processes and trends. The Forum is a high-quality “cut” state of the shipbuilding industry and related industries.

Today, the current task – to maintain the status of Russia as a great naval power.

I am confident that together we will strengthen its position in the global shipbuilding market.

I wish the participants and guests of the anniversary V Forum “MIR” professional achievements, innovation, acquisition of useful contacts and new experiences, the energy to implement our plans.

Deputy Ministry
Industry and
Trade of the Russian Federation
Dutov AV


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