Forum bulletin

Ship automatic machinery and management systems

This section of the website is dedicated to companies engaged in design, manufacture and sale of ship management systems and automatic machinery.

Enterprises Engaged in Ship Automatic Machinery and Management Systems

Attention! The list of enterprises with full details is subject to change in future depending on the inclusion of the Participants into the list and application forms registration.

Enterprise Name Brief Description Contact Info Stand No.

More on ship automatic machinery and control systems

Modern ships represent a union of complex engineering complex and systems, which cannot be operated manually in some cases. In particular, this relates to a ship control. So, automatic systems come to help here. The level of automation defines efficiency of performance of ship power plant.

The remote automated control (RAC) system is used for ship velocity and travel direction control. RAC design depends on type of a propulsion unit.

Ship automation systems comprise programmable controllers, various transducers, control panels, various actuators, operator stations, main and back-up power supplies, signal processing equipment, and so on.

The majority of vessels of the Russian fleet are provided with standard automatic control systems. The minimum automation level is regulated by the Rules of the RMRS.


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