The Forum has opened!
May 07, 2015
Greetings from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
January 28, 2015
The Forum organizers received the greeting from Gutenev V.V., the First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Engineering Union.
January 15, 2015
The Government of the Russian Federation addressed a welcome letter to the V International Forum Marine Industry of Russia.
March 16, 2015
In April 2011, at the meeting of the Governmental Commission on High Technologies and Innovations led by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, V.V. Putin, the list of technological platforms was approved. In fact, it was the list of the most important and promising technological directions to develop the national economy in the most optimal manner. Was it successful? We will try to look into the matter using the example of the Ocean Development Technological Platform. In the list approved, only this platform is directly relevant to the ocean. And our country is called the maritime power for a good reason.
“The development of the ocean spaces and resources is one of the major directions of development of the world civilization in the third millennium. The essence of the national policies of the major maritime powers and the majority of the world community in the foreseeable future will be an independent activity and cooperation in the development of the oceans, as well as the inevitable competition on the way”.
Maritime Doctrine of Russian Federation
The showcase under the slogan “From technological platform to territorial research and production associations” is promising to become a vivid example of the Ocean Development Technological Platform stakeholders' work and one of the most remarkable exhibitions of the business program, of the V International Forum Marine Industry of Russia. This slogan was chosen for a good reason. The TP stakeholders are confident that the high-tech economic sectors and cutting-edge technologies used for the ocean development are the ready growth points for post-industrial economy of Russia. And their potential shall be tapped into in the shortest time possible.
“The Platform stakeholders represented primarily the largest industrial enterprises and research organizations, are interested in creation of the entire sector of marine and underwater technologies, as well as development of the marine instrument engineering – says Valeriy Vladimirovich Kobylyanskiy, Coordinator of the Ocean Development TP, Deputy General Director on Innovative Development at Morinformsistema-Agat OJSC. – The idea of a complex approach to solving strategic tasks in the field of developing special technologies and their application at sea and in maritime regions attracts more and more companies. In 2011, when the platform was established its first stakeholders included ten enterprises, whereas at the end of 2014 there were more than a hundred stakeholders”.
The main directions of the Platform development are defined by the Coordination Council which includes large publicly owned industrial enterprises interested in development of the technologies comprising the Technological Platform. The Coordination Council interacts with public authorities and applies efforts to ensure financing of developments.
The Expert Council, its bureaus and work groups analyze those projects which can be supported by the Ocean Development Technological Platform. The members of the Expert Council analyze the projects proposed to the Technological Platform and in case of the positive opinion they recommend them for implementation within federal target programs of the Russian Federation, and perform the system analysis of the technologies with respect to their commercial viability.
“To reach a satisfactory level in terms of import substitution, we will require 2-3 years, in any case, if we are talking about the marine instrument engineering sector – continues V.V. Kobylyanskiy. – But Russia is a maritime power and we desperately need our own cutting-edge technologies; we have to shift from the catching-up position to rapid development. The platform shall become the driver for the accelerated growth, bring to a modern level not only underwater technologies but also other related sectors: shipbuilding, defence, fishery, harvesting and restoration of sea biological resources, port complexes, transport, and even tourism.
We are planning to test the idea of the complex approach for developing maritime regions of Russia in the Far East. It is a well-known, understandable region where the underwater robotics was launched”.
The establishment of the Far East Research and Production Underwater Robotics and Marine Instrument Engineering Association (innovative cluster) became a part of the Strategic Research Program developed by the Ocean Development Technological Platform stakeholders. According to the project initiators, it shall become a comprehensive solution for the development issues of the Far East region and ensure:
- Stabilization of social and economic situation in the Far East, transition to sustainable development of the Far East region. Creation of growth and development points in the Far East, systematic improvement of economic and demographic parameters. Creation of opportunities for the growth of neighbouring regions;
- Development of high-tech education of international level; development of training and skill improvement system for scientific, engineering, technical and executive staff of the Cluster;
- Technological and economic support for the lane and adjacent regions of the Northern Sea Route and the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation; creation of the foundation for marine service provider – the operator of works on the shelf of the Far East region; significant improvement of economic potential of the country for the shelf development of the marginal seas of the Russian Far East.
- Establishment of a modern technological base in the field of underwater technologies and marine instrument engineering; launching the production of a wide range of underwater and above-water equipment popular on the market (including external), the fleet of new instruments, provision of services using this devices;
- Introduction of innovative technologies to the markets of the Southeast Asia by the companies of the Russian Far East.
Establishment of such clusters even at the initial stage will not only give impetus to development of the national economy, but will also very clearly demonstrate at the international level the capability of Russia to protect its own interests, as well as its attractiveness as a strategic partner. Even today, the achievements of the Technological Platform stakeholders arouse profound interest among the experts.
The principal scheme of the Far East Research and Production Underwater Robotics and Marine Instrument Engineering Association (innovative cluster)
V.V. Kobylyanskiy “At the Forum, we will try to graphically demonstrate the integrated development of one of the maritime regions. We will arrange the Day of the Far East where all parties concerned will be invited – representatives from local authorities and ministries who are in charge of solving certain issues. I think that the presentation and the following discussion will be interesting to everybody.
The Russian Far East is the beginning. It is assumed that such research and production associations and integrated development plans shall be created for water areas and cover all maritime regions of our country”.
20 enterprises demonstrated willingness to work actively as a part of the innovative cluster and signed the Memorandum on establishment of the innovative territorial cluster for underwater robotics and marine instrument engineering in Primorsk Territory.
However, technological developments and interest of the regional enterprises are clearly not sufficient. For such clusters to appear and actively influence the economic growth and development of the territories, the national authorities’ decision and active participation of local authorities are required. The Development Program for the Far East Research and Production Underwater Robotics and Marine Instrument Engineering Association has been developed but not approved by the Governor of Primorsk Territory and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation yet.
Returning to the beginning of the article, let’s try to answer the question: How optimistic the real situation is? Do real steps match the growth and development opportunities identified and systematized during three years of the Technological Platform activities? Undoubtedly, the directions for technological development have been chosen, generally, correctly: the list of technologies is defined on competitive basis by a group of independent experts. Each technological direction has a coveted expert pool that can ensure effective technical solutions for all technologies they are responsible for.* Most enterprises have modern production facilities which can ensure implementation of these technologies in full.
According to experts, further development of the Ocean Development Technological Platform is hampered due to some incorrect organizational decisions. For instance, the decision of the Ministry of Economic Development to leave technological platforms at the level of communication sites. The correct step shall be the development of technological communities created within these platforms and their subsequent transformation into a real economic sector. And as soon as possible. *Examples of technological developments by the Ocean Development TP will be published in the next article titled “Ocean Development: from expert opinions to real technical solutions”.
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