Forum bulletin

Deck equipment and facilities

This section of the website is dedicated to companies engaged in design, manufacture and delivery of shipboard facilities and equipment of various purpose.

Enterprises Working with Shipboard Facilities and Equipment

Attention! The list of enterprises with full details is subject to change in future depending on the inclusion of the Participants into the list and application forms registration.

Enterprise Name Brief Description Contact Info Stand No.

More on shipboard equipment and facilities

Shipboard equipment is a number of auxiliary members critical for operation of a vessel: cable ropes and winches, manhole plates and bulwarks, anchors, boats, lighting facilities, boat davits, etc. Every class of shipboard equipment is designed and produced in accordance with GOSTs, and some GOSTs are in force since 70’s and others were adopted only several years ago.

The shipboard equipment for standard ships is selected basing on the operation conditions supplementing this set on a case-by-case basis. When equipping yachts, skipper wishes and calculations for a certain trip are taken into account.

The equipment produced nearly in all leading marine powers is represented at the Russian market. And, by some estimates, the third part of these companies are Russian. Nearly all enterprises manufacturing equipment and, particularly, bulwarks, are located not far from large ports. It is noticeable nearby old ports which infrastructure and surrounding plants were created for decades.


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By: “Ideological buiseness-projects”

Design by Valentina Ivanova.